Allegro Phonics

Allegro Phonics (3 – 5 years old)

ALLEGRO PHONICS is our signature programme carefully developed by Ms Alethea Ng who has a Certificate in Teaching Phonics with Teacher’s college , UK. The programme is carefully designed to teach children the 44 phoneme sounds of the alphabet. The lessons are based on a multiple intelligence learning approach, classifying the 1 ½ hour lesson into the 4 main categories. Phonics time, Reading time, Activities Time and Craft Time. At the end , the child should read confidently and form simple words into sentences.

  •  Phonics Time : Individual sounds are taught through song and dance.
  •  Reading Time : Shared reading is nurtured with relation to the sound of the day. Comprehension skills are build up during this time.
  •  Activities Time : Fun worksheets are given to students to enable them to reinforce what they have learnt about the sounds.
  •  Craft Time : There will be a range of craft activities with relation to the letters to make the learning process fun and memorable.

There are altogether 4 stages in this two year programme, it is not necessary that a child starts from the first stage. There will be an assessment to asses which stage he/she should be in.

  • Stage One :  The individual letters and their sounds. The ability to differentiate the sounds at the start and the end of the word.
  • Stage Two : The various word families and the understanding of the silent e.
  • Stage Three :  The understanding of consonant blends, digraphs and vowel diphthongs together with 50 sight words
  • Stage Four :  The understanding of sentence structure, writing simple sentences and the next set of 50 sight words.

Children will be encouraged to read and be given a set of readers to build up their confidence and a love for reading. There will also be a range of craft activities with relation to the letters to make to learning process more fun and memorable.